Source code for ripser.ripser

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2018 Christopher Tralie and Nathaniel Saul

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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from itertools import cycle
import warnings

from scipy import sparse

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import pairwise_distances

from pyRipser import doRipsFiltrationDM as DRFDM
from pyRipser import doRipsFiltrationDMSparse as DRFDMSparse

def dpoint2pointcloud(X, i, metric):
    Return the distance from the ith point in a Euclidean point cloud
    to the rest of the points
    X: ndarray (n_samples, n_features)
        A numpy array of data 
    i: int
        The index of the point from which to return all distances
    metric: string or callable
        The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a 
        feature array
    ds = pairwise_distances(X, X[i, :][None, :], metric=metric).flatten()
    ds[i] = 0
    return ds

def get_greedy_perm(X, n_perm=None, distance_matrix=False, metric="euclidean"):
    Compute a furthest point sampling permutation of a set of points
    X: ndarray (n_samples, n_features)
        A numpy array of either data or distance matrix
    distance_matrix: bool
        Indicator that X is a distance matrix, if not we compute 
        distances in X using the chosen metric.
    n_perm: int
        Number of points to take in the permutation
    metric: string or callable
        The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a 
        feature array
    idx_perm: ndarray(n_perm)
        Indices of points in the greedy permutation
    lambdas: ndarray(n_perm)
        Covering radii at different points
    dperm2all: ndarray(n_perm, n_samples)
        Distances from points in the greedy permutation to points
        in the original point set
    if not n_perm:
        n_perm = X.shape[0]
    # By default, takes the first point in the list to be the
    # first point in the permutation, but could be random
    idx_perm = np.zeros(n_perm, dtype=np.int64)
    lambdas = np.zeros(n_perm)
    if distance_matrix:
        dpoint2all = lambda i: X[i, :]
        dpoint2all = lambda i: dpoint2pointcloud(X, i, metric)
    ds = dpoint2all(0)
    dperm2all = [ds]
    for i in range(1, n_perm):
        idx = np.argmax(ds)
        idx_perm[i] = idx
        lambdas[i - 1] = ds[idx]
        ds = np.minimum(ds, dperm2all[-1])
    lambdas[-1] = np.max(ds)
    dperm2all = np.array(dperm2all)
    return (idx_perm, lambdas, dperm2all)

[docs] def ripser( X, maxdim=1, thresh=np.inf, coeff=2, distance_matrix=False, do_cocycles=False, metric="euclidean", n_perm=None, ): """Compute persistence diagrams for X. X can be a data set of points or a distance matrix. When using a data set as X it will be converted to a distance matrix using the metric specified. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray (n_samples, n_features) A numpy array of either data or distance matrix (also pass `distance_matrix=True`). Can also be a sparse distance matrix of type scipy.sparse maxdim: int, optional, default 1 Maximum homology dimension computed. Will compute all dimensions lower than and equal to this value. For 1, H_0 and H_1 will be computed. thresh: float, default infinity Maximum distances considered when constructing filtration. If infinity, compute the entire filtration. coeff: int prime, default 2 Compute homology with coefficients in the prime field Z/pZ for p=coeff. distance_matrix: bool, optional, default False When True the input matrix X will be considered a distance matrix. do_cocycles: bool, optional, default False Computed cocycles will be available in the `cocycles` value of the return dictionary. metric: string or callable, optional, default "euclidean" Use this metric to compute distances between rows of X. "euclidean", "manhattan" and "cosine" are already provided metrics to choose from by using their name. You can provide a callable function and it will be used with two rows as arguments, it will be called once for each pair of rows in X. The computed distance will be available in the result dictionary under the key `dperm2all`. n_perm: int, optional, default None The number of points to subsample in a "greedy permutation," or a furthest point sampling of the points. These points will be used in lieu of the full point cloud for a faster computation, at the expense of some accuracy, which can be bounded as a maximum bottleneck distance to all diagrams on the original point set Returns ------- dict The result of the computation. .. note:: Each list in `dgms` has a relative list in `cocycles`. >>> r = ripser(...) For each dimension ``d`` and index ``k`` then ``r['dgms'][d][k]`` is the barcode associated to the representative cocycle ``r['cocycles'][d][k]``. The keys available in the dictionary are the: * ``dgms``: list (size maxdim) of ndarray (n_pairs, 2) For each dimension less than ``maxdim`` a list of persistence diagrams. Each persistent diagram is a pair (birth time, death time). * ``cocycles``: list (size maxdim) of list of ndarray For each dimension less than ``maxdim`` a list of representative cocycles. Each representative cocycle in dimension ``d`` is represented as a ndarray of ``(k,d+1)`` elements. Each non zero value of the cocycle is laid out in a row, first the ``d`` indices of the simplex and then the value of the cocycle on the simplex. The indices of the simplex reference the original point cloud, even if a greedy permutation was used. * ``num_edges``: int The number of edges added during the computation * ``dperm2all``: ndarray(n_samples, n_samples) or ndarray (n_perm, n_samples) if n_perm The distance matrix used during the computation. When ``n_perm`` is not None the distance matrix will only refers to the subsampled dataset. * ``idx_perm``: ndarray(n_perm) if ``n_perm`` > 0 Index into the original point cloud of the points used as a subsample in the greedy permutation >>> r = ripser(X, n_perm=k) >>> subsampling = X[r['idx_perm']] * 'r_cover': float Covering radius of the subsampled points. If ``n_perm <= 0``, then the full point cloud was used and this is 0 Examples -------- .. code:: python from ripser import ripser, plot_dgms from sklearn import datasets from persim import plot_diagrams data = datasets.make_circles(n_samples=110)[0] dgms = ripser(data)['dgms'] plot_diagrams(dgms, show = True) Raises ------ ValueError If the distance matrix is not square. ValueError When using both a greedy permutation and a sparse distance matrix. ValueError When `n_perm` value is bigger than the number of rows in the matrix. ValueError When `n_perm` is non positive. Warns ---- When using a square matrix without toggling `distance_matrix` to True. When there are more columns than rows (as each row is a different data point). """ if distance_matrix: if not (X.shape[0] == X.shape[1]): raise ValueError("Distance matrix is not square") else: if X.shape[0] == X.shape[1]: warnings.warn( "The input matrix is square, but the distance_matrix " + "flag is off. Did you mean to indicate that " + "this was a distance matrix?" ) elif X.shape[0] < X.shape[1]: warnings.warn( "The input point cloud has more columns than rows; " + "did you mean to transpose?" ) if n_perm and distance_matrix and sparse.issparse(X): raise ValueError( "Greedy permutation is not supported for sparse distance matrices" ) if n_perm and n_perm > X.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "Number of points in greedy permutation is greater" + " than number of points in the point cloud" ) if n_perm and n_perm < 0: raise ValueError( "Should be a strictly positive number of points in the greedy permutation" ) idx_perm = np.arange(X.shape[0]) r_cover = 0.0 doing_permutation = False if n_perm and n_perm < X.shape[0]: doing_permutation = True idx_perm, lambdas, dperm2all = get_greedy_perm( X, n_perm=n_perm, distance_matrix=distance_matrix, metric=metric ) r_cover = lambdas[-1] dm = dperm2all[:, idx_perm] else: if distance_matrix: dm = X else: dm = pairwise_distances(X, metric=metric) dperm2all = dm n_points = dm.shape[0] if not sparse.issparse(dm) and np.sum(np.abs(dm.diagonal()) > 0) > 0: # If any of the diagonal elements are nonzero, # convert to sparse format, because currently # that's the only format that handles nonzero # births dm = sparse.coo_matrix(dm) if sparse.issparse(dm): if sparse.isspmatrix_coo(dm): # If the matrix is already COO, we need to order the row and column indices # lexicographically to avoid errors. See issue #103 row, col, data = dm.row, dm.col, lex_sort_idx = np.lexsort((col, row)) row, col, data = row[lex_sort_idx], col[lex_sort_idx], data[lex_sort_idx] else: # Lexicographic ordering is performed by scipy upon conversion to COO coo = dm.tocoo() row, col, data = coo.row, coo.col, res = DRFDMSparse( row.astype(dtype=np.int32, order="C"), col.astype(dtype=np.int32, order="C"), np.array(data, dtype=np.float32, order="C"), n_points, maxdim, thresh, coeff, do_cocycles ) else: I, J = np.meshgrid(np.arange(n_points), np.arange(n_points)) DParam = np.array(dm[I > J], dtype=np.float32) res = DRFDM(DParam, maxdim, thresh, coeff, do_cocycles) # Unwrap persistence diagrams dgms = res["births_and_deaths_by_dim"] for dim in range(len(dgms)): N = int(len(dgms[dim]) / 2) dgms[dim] = np.reshape(np.array(dgms[dim]), [N, 2]) # Unwrap cocycles cocycles = [] for dim in range(len(res["cocycles_by_dim"])): cocycles.append([]) for j in range(len(res["cocycles_by_dim"][dim])): ccl = res["cocycles_by_dim"][dim][j] n = int(len(ccl) / (dim + 2)) ccl = np.reshape(np.array(ccl, dtype=np.int64), [n, dim + 2]) ccl[:, -1] = np.mod(ccl[:, -1], coeff) if doing_permutation: # Retain original indices in the point cloud ccl[:, 0:-1] = idx_perm[ccl[:, 0:-1]] cocycles[dim].append(ccl) ret = { "dgms": dgms, "cocycles": cocycles, "num_edges": res["num_edges"], "dperm2all": dperm2all, "idx_perm": idx_perm, "r_cover": r_cover, } return ret
def lower_star_img(img): """ Construct a lower star filtration on an image Parameters ---------- img: ndarray (M, N) An array of single channel image data Returns ------- I: ndarray (K, 2) A 0-dimensional persistence diagram corresponding to the sublevelset filtration """ m, n = img.shape idxs = np.arange(m * n).reshape((m, n)) I = idxs.flatten() J = idxs.flatten() V = img.flatten() # Connect 8 spatial neighbors tidxs = np.ones((m + 2, n + 2), dtype=np.int64) * np.nan tidxs[1:-1, 1:-1] = idxs tD = np.ones_like(tidxs) * np.nan tD[1:-1, 1:-1] = img for di in [-1, 0, 1]: for dj in [-1, 0, 1]: if di == 0 and dj == 0: continue thisJ = np.roll(np.roll(tidxs, di, axis=0), dj, axis=1) thisD = np.roll(np.roll(tD, di, axis=0), dj, axis=1) thisD = np.maximum(thisD, tD) # Deal with boundaries boundary = ~np.isnan(thisD) thisI = tidxs[boundary] thisJ = thisJ[boundary] thisD = thisD[boundary] I = np.concatenate((I, thisI.flatten())) J = np.concatenate((J, thisJ.flatten())) V = np.concatenate((V, thisD.flatten())) sparseDM = sparse.coo_matrix((V, (I, J)), shape=(idxs.size, idxs.size)) return ripser(sparseDM, distance_matrix=True, maxdim=0)["dgms"][0]
[docs] class Rips(TransformerMixin): """ sklearn style class interface for :code:`ripser` with :code:`fit` and :code:`transform` methods.. Parameters ---------- maxdim: int, optional, default 1 Maximum homology dimension computed. Will compute all dimensions lower than and equal to this value. For 1, H_0 and H_1 will be computed. thresh: float, default infinity Maximum distances considered when constructing filtration. If infinity, compute the entire filtration. coeff: int prime, default 2 Compute homology with coefficients in the prime field Z/pZ for p=coeff. do_cocycles: bool Indicator of whether to compute cocycles, if so, we compute and store cocycles in the `cocycles_` dictionary Rips member variable n_perm: int The number of points to subsample in a "greedy permutation," or a furthest point sampling of the points. These points will be used in lieu of the full point cloud for a faster computation, at the expense of some accuracy, which can be bounded as a maximum bottleneck distance to all diagrams on the original point set verbose: boolean Whether to print out information about this object as it is constructed Attributes ---------- `dgm_`: list of ndarray, each shape (n_pairs, 2) After `transform`, `dgm_` contains computed persistence diagrams in each dimension cocycles_: list (size maxdim) of list of ndarray A list of representative cocycles in each dimension. The list in each dimension is parallel to the diagram in that dimension; that is, each entry of the list is a representative cocycle of the corresponding point expressed as an ndarray(K, d+1), where K is the number of nonzero values of the cocycle and d is the dimension of the cocycle. The first d columns of each array index into the simplices of the (subsampled) point cloud, and the last column is the value of the cocycle at that simplex dperm2all_: ndarray(n_samples, n_samples) or ndarray (n_perm, n_samples) if n_perm The distance matrix used in the computation if n_perm is none. Otherwise, the distance from all points in the permutation to all points in the dataset metric_: string or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options specified in pairwise_distances, including "euclidean", "manhattan", or "cosine". Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating the distance between them. num_edges: int The number of edges added during the computation idx_perm: ndarray(n_perm) if n_perm > 0 Index into the original point cloud of the points used as a subsample in the greedy permutation r_cover: float Covering radius of the subsampled points. If n_perm <= 0, then the full point cloud was used and this is 0 Examples -------- .. code:: python from ripser import Rips import tadasets data = tadasets.dsphere(n=110, d=2)[0] rips = Rips() rips.transform(data) rips.plot() """
[docs] def __init__( self, maxdim=1, thresh=np.inf, coeff=2, do_cocycles=False, n_perm=None, verbose=True, ): self.maxdim = maxdim self.thresh = thresh self.coeff = coeff self.do_cocycles = do_cocycles self.n_perm = n_perm self.verbose = verbose # Internal variables self.dgms_ = None self.cocycles_ = None self.dperm2all_ = None # Distance matrix self.metric_ = None self.num_edges_ = None # Number of edges added self.idx_perm_ = None self.r_cover_ = 0.0 if self.verbose: print( "Rips(maxdim={}, thresh={}, coeff={}, do_cocycles={}, n_perm = {}, verbose={})".format( maxdim, thresh, coeff, do_cocycles, n_perm, verbose ) )
def transform(self, X, distance_matrix=False, metric="euclidean"): result = ripser( X, maxdim=self.maxdim, thresh=self.thresh, coeff=self.coeff, do_cocycles=self.do_cocycles, distance_matrix=distance_matrix, metric=metric, n_perm=self.n_perm, ) self.dgms_ = result["dgms"] self.num_edges_ = result["num_edges"] self.dperm2all_ = result["dperm2all"] self.idx_perm_ = result["idx_perm"] self.cocycles_ = result["cocycles"] self.r_cover_ = result["r_cover"] return self.dgms_ def fit_transform(self, X, distance_matrix=False, metric="euclidean"): """ Compute persistence diagrams for X data array and return the diagrams. Parameters ---------- X: ndarray (n_samples, n_features) A numpy array of either data or distance matrix. distance_matrix: bool Indicator that X is a distance matrix, if not we compute a distance matrix from X using the chosen metric. metric: string or callable The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options specified in pairwise_distances, including "euclidean", "manhattan", or "cosine". Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating the distance between them. Returns ------- dgms: list (size maxdim) of ndarray (n_pairs, 2) A list of persistence diagrams, one for each dimension less than maxdim. Each diagram is an ndarray of size (n_pairs, 2) with the first column representing the birth time and the second column representing the death time of each pair. """ self.transform(X, distance_matrix, metric) return self.dgms_ def plot( self, diagrams=None, *args, **kwargs ): """A helper function to plot persistence diagrams. Parameters ---------- diagrams: ndarray (n_pairs, 2) or list of diagrams A diagram or list of diagrams as returned from If diagram is None, we use `self.dgm_` for plotting. If diagram is a list of diagrams, then plot all on the same plot using different colors. plot_only: list of numeric If specified, an array of only the diagrams that should be plotted. title: string, default is None If title is defined, add it as title of the plot. xy_range: list of numeric [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax] User provided range of axes. This is useful for comparing multiple persistence diagrams. labels: string or list of strings Legend labels for each diagram. If none are specified, we use H_0, H_1, H_2,... by default. colormap: string, default is 'default' Any of matplotlib color palettes. Some options are 'default', 'seaborn', 'sequential'. See all available styles with .. code:: python import matplotlib as mpl print(mpl.styles.available) size: numeric, default is 20 Pixel size of each point plotted. ax_color: any valid matplitlib color type. See []( for complete API. diagonal: bool, default is True Plot the diagonal x=y line. lifetime: bool, default is False. If True, diagonal is turned to False. Plot life time of each point instead of birth and death. Essentially, visualize (x, y-x). legend: bool, default is True If true, show the legend. show: bool, default is True Call after plotting. If you are using self.plot() as part of a subplot, set show=False and call only once at the end. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import persim if diagrams is None: # Allow using transformed diagrams as default diagrams = self.dgms_ persim.plot_diagrams( diagrams, *args, **kwargs )
__all__ = ["Rips", "ripser", "lower_star_img"]